The Ascensor & Puerto Moro
Journey to the depths of the volcano
The enormous pipes of an underwater outfall, which disappear into the vastness of the platform, serve as a source of life and shelter in this curious and popular dive.
It is undoubtedly a unique place that adds variety to the wide range of options that Lanzarote offers.
In the area, there are other spots worth visiting, such as the Ascensor Chico or Puerto Moro, characterized by a volcanic landscape with hollows, tunnels, and large arches.
From the entry point, there are two alternative routes. The first takes us to the Ascensor Grande. We reach it by swimming almost 200 meters at a heading of 170º. The volcanic tube descends from 15 meters to 30 meters and has several windows along the way that illuminate the interior. On its walls, covered in sponges, many narwhal shrimp hide. This dive requires an advanced level of diving.
The second route takes us to the area known as Puerto Moro and the Ascensor Chico. By swimming 100 meters at a heading of 65º, we reach La Baja, a rock that rises above the water. It is a very interesting alternative for less experienced divers, as it features a spectacular cave beneath it, along with passages and arches. Continuing down to 30 meters, we find a small volcanic tube less than 10 meters long, also with several skylights, known as the Ascensor Chico.
Since the diving area is very large, two routes are suggested: one to the right of the entry point and the other to the left.. Ambas rutas permiten adaptarse a diferentes niveles, variando la profundidad máxima de la inmersión . En cuevas y oquedades resulta interesante buscar animales como morenas, pulpos, anémonas gigantes, briotas e incluso camarones narval.
When swimming above the sand, it is important to observe carefully, as angelsharks, torpedo rays, and stingrays are common.